About the author : Alex Pana

Alex Pana is the Marketing Manager at Oveit, the US-based tech company that developed Streams.live. Prior to joining Oveit, he worked with 2 of the world's leading financial services companies. Over the last 4 years, Alex attended more than 100 live and virtual events, understanding how entertainment and digital payments work together. He is people-oriented and although his role is to share the word about Oveit's solutions, he loves to learn about people's experiences. Be they good or bad. He has a degree in Public Administration. This is where he first learned that small changes can result in big improvements. Having this in mind it was only normal for him to join Oveit.

Live shopping

Today, we are going to discuss how to use video for your eCommerce business. And why. You’ve probably considered using video for your business. But if you haven’t, here are 3 insights that will help you decide towards using video:

Over 70% of viewers say YouTube makes them aware of new brands. (YouTube)

93% of brands got a new customer because of a video on social media. (Animoto)

By 2022 more than 80% of total internet traffic will represent video sessions (Cisco)

There are several reasons for which video content is consumed more and more each day. The constant development and improvement of smartphones is one of those reasons. More than half of total internet sessions now come from mobile devices. Mobile devices make it easier for users to consume short, concise messages. Video messages. 

But the fact that we prefer video content to other forms is not related only to the rise of smartphones. Video is the closest form of in-person interaction and stimulates more of our senses than written or audio content. And most important, video helps viewers to better understand the message you are trying to send through your content. The connection between video and smartphones is better illustrated by Youtube’s statistics. Although, at a general level, half of the online sessions are conducted from a mobile device, mobile accounts for 70% of Youtube’s total watch time.

Why use eCommerce videos for your business

print screen from an embedded Live Stream Shopping session

When it comes to eCommerce, there are two main reasons to use video in your strategy. 

Firstly, it will help you with your SEO efforts. It’s no secret that Google’s algorithms are prioritizing websites that have incorporated video content. It will help more people discover your brand and it will also increase the clickthrough rate and average time on site. (link de sus). 

Secondly, it will help your potential customer get a better sense of your products. One of the reasons for which people avoid purchasing products online is that they need to have a better feel and look at the products. The classic display, with pictures and text, is not enough. Here is where video comes in handy, allowing them to better understand how the product acts in different circumstances.

If you are just starting using video in your marketing and sales campaigns, these two ideas alone can make a difference for your business. SEO-focused video content will make your products and business visible for new potential customers.

Product videos will help customers have a better sense of your products, tho increasing your conversion rate. 

Different types of video content for different customer journey stages

4 steps sales funnel

Ok, until now we have only seen the general reasons for which eCommerce businesses should use video. But how can you actually use different formats for customers finding themselves in different stages of the purchasing funnel? 

Considering the classical steps within the sales funnel, here is how to use video and accompany your customers throughout their journey. 

Awareness – this is the stage is where potential customers interact with your business for the first time. You would normally use SEO and paid advertisement to reach them. So using SEO-optimized videos and social media paid video ads are great ways to capture their attention. Not only that you will be able to get a better reach by using video, but it’s more likely for viewers to click on your links and engage more of your content. 

Interest – customers have seen your videos, it’s now time to gain their interest. They want to learn more about your company and your products. How can you use video at this stage? Well, show them how your products are made and what you stand for. Why do you do what you do? What makes you different? Stand out and gain the interest of your potential customers.

Decision – More than often, customers research multiple sources for their products. In this stage of the purchasing process, testimonials can turn things in your favor.  Consumers tend to trust user-generated content much more than they trust branded content, so using video testimonials with existing customers sharing their experience with your brand will help. 

Action – here is where most of your competitors will use 360-degree video on the product page. And this indeed gives customers a better overview of the product than static pictures. But this is also where eCommerce is indeed disrupted by new technologies. 

Using live, shoppable video within the action step can skyrocket your conversion rates and increase the AOV

Why? There are some bottlenecks within the sales process that can be better surpassed by a live experience. Humans value authenticity and a live video experience is the closest thing you can digitally create that resembles the in-person experience. A live stream shopping session is the digital representation for the in-store purchasing experience. Customers rely on existing customers’ past experiences. And during a live stream shopping session viewers can interact not only with the host but with fellow viewers as well. Customers have questions. As a matter of fact, 85% of online customers have at least one question they need to find an answer to before making a purchase. And how to better address it than live? 

How? Showcase your products live and allow people to see how your products act in real life. Selling clothes? Wear them and let your customers really understand how they look when a real person wears them. And just a static state. Selling makeup? Show them how your products actually look on human skin. Without any photoshop addons. Selling a house? Show them that are actually selling a home, not just a building. Selling jewelry? Showcase how your products looked when they are combined and increase the AOV.

I think you understand the main benefits of a live stream shopping session. Not all forms of video will be live, but here are some guidelines that will help create eCommerce videos for your business.

How to use eCommerce videos – guidelines

Here are some guidelines you should consider when creating videos for eCommerce. We will go into further details below, assuming that this process is not 100% externalized:

  1. Define the purpose of your video. 
  2. Prepare a script for your video 
  3. Lights, cameras, microphones
  4. Use already existing assets for brand consistency
  5. Edit and release the final version

1.Define the purpose of your video

Before you actually start creating the video, you should make a plan to guide your work. You probably know who your customers are, but for which stage of the sales funnel are you creating the content? An SEO-focused video will be different from a product showcasing material. A video ad and a live stream shopping session need different approaches.   

For example, you should know that on Facebook more than 80% of the videos are watched without sound. Subtitles are a must here.  

For a live stream shopping session, you should consider going live for around 30 minutes. A video ad will need to be much more sorter, but it will need to capture the users’ attention within the first 3 seconds. 

Defining the exact purpose of your video will allow you to create and stick to a plan that will help you succeed.

2.Prepare a script for your video

Yes, we love authenticity as much as you do. But creating and sticking to a script will not take that away from you. Otherwise, we would never recommend it. Having a well-established plan and script for your video will actually allow you to improvise, especially if you decide to go live. To better understand the hard work that needed in order to deliver a natural speech I highly recommend Chris Anderson’s Ted Talks work. You will have the opportunity to learn from the best there are what it takes to deliver a message that viewers connect with.


3.Lights, cameras, microphones, action!

Working in front of a camera it’s actually quite sweet. But not from the beginning. At first, you will feel completely out of your conform zone – but this is what we always feel when trying new things. Not to mention that you will have to do your research for lights, cameras, microphones, and more. Luckily, we already did it for you – you can download our free brochure from here. Although not exhaustive, our checklist will guide you through the technical information needed for your first live (or prerecorded) videos.

cover image of the free brochure

Cover of the Live Shopping Checklist

4. Already existing assets and brand unity

It’s not mandatory to start from scratch. You already have branded materials that can be used for new content. Pictures, short videos, presentations, you can use these valuable resources as a starting point. These materials will also support your branding efforts – integrating existing materials into new videos will keep your communication aligned to your brand identity. 


5.Tests and final cuts for your eCommerce videos

It’s no secret, our first versions of anything are hardly the best ones. But that’s just how things are, we can only learn and improve our work. When creating prerecorded materials – video ads, SEO video articles, short product videos, we have the option to edit our work. To cut what doesn’t pleases us, to add background music, to take another try with lights coming from a different angle. We can take our time and finetune the material as we like.

When going live, this is never an option. But something different happens here: the live interaction creates a sentiment of intimacy that takes the focus from the technical aspects of the experience. Of course, quality is important. 62% of consumers will develop a negative perception of your brand if you publish a poor-quality video. But other than that, the authenticity of the experience will be much more appreciated than some nice edits done in the studio. In a world where fake perfection surrounds us, authenticity had become one essential asset. 

Final words

In a world that’s moving faster than ever, having the ability to easily capture the customers’ attention and to assist them throughout the purchasing journey will definitely make a business stand out. In the eCommerce environment, the struggle moved from optimization to experiences. What makes your business stand out is not necessary the easiness to buy (still crucial, considered normal by users). But rather the experience that you create for your customers. And here is where using eCommerce videos will help your business stand out.


About the author : Alex Pana

Alex Pana is the Marketing Manager at Oveit, the US-based tech company that developed Streams.live. Prior to joining Oveit, he worked with 2 of the world's leading financial services companies. Over the last 4 years, Alex attended more than 100 live and virtual events, understanding how entertainment and digital payments work together. He is people-oriented and although his role is to share the word about Oveit's solutions, he loves to learn about people's experiences. Be they good or bad. He has a degree in Public Administration. This is where he first learned that small changes can result in big improvements. Having this in mind it was only normal for him to join Oveit.

Livestream Shopping Guide - CTA

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