About the author : Alex Pana

Alex Pana is the Marketing Manager at Oveit, the US-based tech company that developed Streams.live. Prior to joining Oveit, he worked with 2 of the world's leading financial services companies. Over the last 4 years, Alex attended more than 100 live and virtual events, understanding how entertainment and digital payments work together. He is people-oriented and although his role is to share the word about Oveit's solutions, he loves to learn about people's experiences. Be they good or bad. He has a degree in Public Administration. This is where he first learned that small changes can result in big improvements. Having this in mind it was only normal for him to join Oveit.

Live shopping mockups + how to host a successful live shopping event text

Live shopping events have become increasingly popular in recent years as a way to engage with customers and drive sales. By combining the interactivity of live video with the convenience of online shopping, businesses are creating unique and engaging shopping experiences that resonate with their audience. If you’re considering hosting a live shopping event, you may ask yourself where to start or how to make it a success. That’s where our article comes in. In this article, we’ll walk you through the essential steps and best practices for hosting a successful live shopping event.


Whether you’re a small business owner looking to expand your reach or an experienced marketer looking for new ways to engage with your audience, this article will provide you with the knowledge and tools you need to host a successful live shopping event. These easy steps can create a memorable and effective event that showcases your products and drives sales.

Table of content:

Selecting the right date and time for your event
Choosing the right platform for a successful live shopping event
Creating a plan for your live shopping event
Promoting Your Live Shopping Event
Interacting with Your Audience During the Live Event
A successful live shopping event requires follow up
Final words


How to host a successful live shopping event – video

read the full article below

Selecting the right date and time for your event


It’s essential to choose the right date and time if you want to have a successful live shopping event. Make sure that your event is accessible to your community and that you’re able to reach as many potential customers as possible.  Also, think about your target audience and their demographics. Are they located in one region or spread across different time zones? If you’re targeting a global audience, it’s important to consider the time differences and choose a time that works well for everyone.


What is the purpose of your event and what do you hope to gain from it? Are you launching a new product? Are you offering a special promotion? If so, select a time and date that matches your product launch or the start of this campaign.


Also, think about the competition and what other events may be happening simultaneously. If there’s a major event happening at the same time, it may be better to choose a different date and time.


One strategy that many successful live shopping events have used is to host multiple events at different times to reach audiences in different time zones. For example, if you’re targeting both North America and Asia, you may want to host separate events for each region to ensure that your audience can tune in at a convenient time. It’s also indicated to use separate events as you want to use influencers or shop assistants that are more relevant to that particular market.


Another strategy is to offer a replay of the event for those who were unable to join the live experience. While nothing compares to the actual live experience, where viewers can interact with you, your team, or amongst each other, many of your followers would still enjoy a reply of this experience. And on the long run, the recorded version of the live shopping event will continue to bring in sales long after the live is over. People will watch the show, get a better understanding of your products, and purchase them with a simple click of a button.


Choosing the right platform for a successful live shopping event


Choosing the right platform is very important for hosting a successful live shopping event. While there are many options available, we recommend hosting the event on your own website for several reasons:


  • it allows you to create a branded experience that aligns with your overall brand image 
  • it provides you with more control over the event and the ability to track data and analytics
  • hosting the event on your own website can lead to increased traffic and conversions, as it encourages viewers to explore other areas of your site as well


But don’t worry, you can still multicast the event on your social media platforms to reach a wider audience. By doing so, you can leverage your existing social media following to promote the event and increase its reach. From there, you can encourage viewers to jump to your website and have access to the full live shopping experience.


Whichever platform you choose to multicast your live show, we got you covered. Streams.live allows you to seamlessly connect your social media accounts and distribute the video experience there. However, it is crucial to inform your guests that, in order to enjoy the full experience, they will need to join the experience on your website. There, they will find the shopping option embedded into the video experience. Thus offering them o completely new and improved shopping journey.


In our Success Stories sections, you can read more about how brands use this option to engage audiences on different social media platforms and bring them to their website.


Creating a plan for your live shopping event 


Creating a plan for your live shopping event is crucial to ensure that it runs smoothly and achieves your desired outcomes. First, consider what products to showcase and how to organize them. Start by identifying your best-selling or most popular products, and then highlight any new or limited-edition items. Consider showcasing products that work well together, such as a complete outfit or a set of complementary items.


Next, think about the deals and promotions that you can offer to entice viewers to purchase. These could include limited-time discounts, bundle deals, or free shipping. Make sure that these offers are prominently displayed and clearly communicated throughout the event.


When creating your plan, it’s also important to consider the overall structure of your live shopping event. Determine the length of your event and how you will present your products. Will you have a host or a special guest speaker? Will you demonstrate how to use the products or offer styling tips? The more engaging and interactive your event is, the more likely viewers are to stick around and make purchases.


Finally, make sure that you have a backup plan in case of any technical difficulties or unforeseen circumstances. Test your equipment and internet connection ahead of time, and have a backup plan in case anything goes wrong.


By creating a thoughtful and well-organized plan, you can ensure that your live shopping event is a success.


Promoting Your Live Shopping Event


Promoting your live shopping event is crucial to maximizing attendance and making your event a success. Here are some tips to help you promote your event:


Email marketing. Use your existing fan base and inform them about your future live shopping event. Make sure to include all the details, such as the date, time, and link to the event page.

Social media. use your social media platforms to promote the event. Create posts about this future experience and share them with your followers. If you want, you can use paid social media ads to reach an even wider audience.

Website banners. Create banners on your homepage or event page to catch the attention of all visitors. 

Multicast the event on your social media platforms. If you have a following on social media, consider multicast the event on your social media platforms as well. This will help you reach a wider audience and increase attendance.


As promoting your live shopping event is itself a very important subject, we’ve written an article focusing on this subject. You can read it here.


Also, successful live shopping events have used various promotional strategies. For example, some events use influencer marketing to attract a larger audience, while others use teaser videos to create excitement leading up to the event. The key is to be creative and think outside the box while using your natural tone of voice.

Interacting with Your Audience During the Live Event


Hosting a successful live shopping event doesn’t just involve showcasing your products, but also engaging with your audience. The more you interact with them, the more likely they are to stay tuned in and make a purchase. Here are some tips to keep your audience interested and informed during the event:


Be responsive: Monitor the chat and respond promptly to any questions or comments from your viewers. This will show that you value their engagement and are willing to address their concerns.


Showcase your products effectively: Use different camera angles and lighting to showcase your products in the best possible way. Make sure to highlight their unique features and benefits to entice viewers to make a purchase.


Offer special deals and promotions: Keep viewers engaged by offering exclusive deals and promotions during the event. Inform them about limited-time offers and bundle deals to encourage them to make a purchase.


lady showcasing a dress in front of a camera during a live shopping session


It’s also important to create a lively and engaging atmosphere during the live event. Use music, graphics, and other visual cues to keep viewers interested and make the experience more enjoyable. Here are some successful engagement strategies used by other live shopping events:


Use gamification: Add interactive elements to your live events such as polls, quizzes, and games to keep viewers engaged.


Guest hosts: Invite hosts outside your company or influencers to join your event, showcase your products, and engage with your audience. This can help attract a wider audience and offer a different perspective.


A successful live shopping event requires follow up


Following up with your audience after the live shopping event is important for keeping their interest and building brand loyalty. Here are some tips to help you with the follow-up process:


Make sure to thank viewers for participating in the event. This can be done through email, social media, or any other direct communication channel you have. Thank them for their time and support, and let them know how important they are to your brand.


Offer additional information about the products featured in the event. This could include product specifications, user reviews, or links to related content on your website. By providing valuable information, you can continue to engage with viewers and maintain their interest in your brand and products.


Also, provide clear instructions on how to purchase the products featured in the event. This could include links to the recorded version of the experience, extra discount codes, or information on how to place an order directly through your website. Make sure the purchasing process is simple and easy to follow. Here is where live shopping, even distributed as shoppable content (after the live experience is over), works wonders.


Final words

In conclusion, hosting a successful live shopping event requires careful planning, promotion, engagement, and follow-up. By selecting the right date and time for your event, choosing the right platform, creating a plan for your event, promoting it through various channels, interacting with your audience during the live event, and following up with them afterward, you can ensure a successful outcome.


Remember to showcase your products effectively, offer deals and promotions, and engage with your audience to keep them interested and informed. Following up with your audience after the event and providing clear instructions on how to purchase the featured products can help maintain their interest and loyalty.


By following these tips and strategies, you can host a successful live shopping event that can increase brand awareness, generate sales, and grow your business. Don’t hesitate to take action and start planning your own live shopping event today. 


About the author : Alex Pana

Alex Pana is the Marketing Manager at Oveit, the US-based tech company that developed Streams.live. Prior to joining Oveit, he worked with 2 of the world's leading financial services companies. Over the last 4 years, Alex attended more than 100 live and virtual events, understanding how entertainment and digital payments work together. He is people-oriented and although his role is to share the word about Oveit's solutions, he loves to learn about people's experiences. Be they good or bad. He has a degree in Public Administration. This is where he first learned that small changes can result in big improvements. Having this in mind it was only normal for him to join Oveit.

Livestream Shopping Guide - CTA

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