About the author : streams.live

Live stream shopping is a new and fun way to buy products. It’s like video shopping for the space age.

As customers demand more engaging ways of shopping companies that have a direct-to-consumer strategy have adapted. With Streams.live you can now interact in real time with hundreds and thousands of customers. When they are prepared to shop they can purchase your products or services without leaving the stream.

Amazon live shopping - what you should know

Today, I want to invite you to learn how effective Amazon live shopping is and answer some of the most common questions about this new way of selling products.

In 2022, for the first time, US eCommerce sales will surpass $1 trillion. And Amazon, arguably the biggest marketplace in this market, has its merits for this increase – as well as its own gains, of course. There are countless discussions about the best strategy for getting your products in front of your community – should you sell on a marketplace or have a more DTC approach? Or should you use a mix of those two and have a multichannel approach?

Regardless of your strategy, a live shopping channel will definitely help you better connect with your customers. Here is what you should know about Amazon’s live shopping feature.

What is Amazon Live Shopping?

For the first time, live shopping was tested in China and it brought tremendous success to the sellers. The world-famous Taobao became the first platform. The format appeared there in 2016 and helped sellers create better customer journeys. However, even earlier there were TV stores where people watched videos, and then called and ordered the necessary goods.

For the first time, live shopping was tested in China and it brought tremendous success to the sellers. The world-famous Taobao became the first platform. The format appeared there in 2016 and helped to successfully sell goods. However, even earlier there were TV stores where people watched videos, and then called and ordered the necessary goods.

In order to create engaging shopping journeys, brands combine live streaming, entertainment, and shopping into one thrilling experience. Live shopping events with incredible conversion rates. And Amazon could not neglect this new sales channel.

Amazon Live offers highlights, live chat, reactions, and product presentations. This will help you connect with your audience during the live broadcast.

How to use Amazon for an eCommerce Business

young lady setting live shopping session

Photo by George Milton


Let’s start by explaining why this works. Imagine you come to the market, where you buy the necessary goods. You cannot know how good this product is, where it is made, and from what. In fact, the main thing for the seller is that you buy what he sells. In live shopping, everything works differently. The company wants to control the entire customer journey and help both before and after the purchase. 

E-commerce helps a lot with this, especially on the Amazon platform. It doesn’t take much work to start an eCommerce business with Amazon Live. To start selling, you need to go to the dispatcher and create your own channel for broadcasts. 

After you create a personal account, you can add products, view statistics on them, and set prices. Another benefit is that you can use the Amazon Store in parallel with Amazon Live. Amazon provides free publishing options and profits from fees and a percentage of sales.

Amazon Live Shopping FAQ 

If you still do not know the answers to the necessary questions about Amazon Live, then the following question-answer is for you:

How effective is Amazon live shopping for companies?

To begin with, remember that live commerce is online sales, that is, live. Often, a featured guest, such as Gordon Ramsay or Ariana Grande, will host the broadcast to attract a specific audience. On the broadcast, a public figure or a presenter tells and shows all the advantages of the product. 

It is important to show it from all sides and provide the best qualities to the viewer. Live shopping is great because when browsing, the client can immediately add the product to his cart.

Experts say that a live event can increase sales by 7-15% in just 7 days! These are really excellent indicators that are worthy of attention.

Can anyone stream with Amazon Live?

Let’s start with the fact that the live commerce format is capable of performing several basic functions. Among them:

  • entertainment,
  • audience engagement,
  • sales.

The action and effectiveness of live streams have long been shown in practice, where all the people who saw the goods “here and now” had a tendency to buy. 

However, can everyone join this idea? Unfortunately no. Amazon Live is currently only available to registered brands and companies on the US marketplace. Amazon does not broadcast live streams on other marketplaces.

How do buyers find the right live shopping shows?

Not everyone knows how to search for streams on Amazon Live.

You can find the video you need by following these simple steps:

  •  Go to the main menu of the site;
  •  Find the Amazon Live section;
  •  Click on “Amazon Live” and select the desired broadcast;

After that, you will be able to watch live videos, as well as recordings of recent broadcasts.

Why do we need live shopping and how does it help us sell products?

Any company needs live shopping because it can be used to demonstrate the company’s products, as well as interact closely with the audience and answer their questions. This will work because Amazon Live has a live chat feature. So you can attract the attention of the audience and be on the same wavelength with it. 

Another good step will be personal consultations directly on the broadcast. Perhaps viewers have similar questions. Here it is important to connect marketers and think over a live broadcast strategy. Live selling helps you do two things:

  1.  Increase brand trust. The client will receive the necessary information, so to speak, first-hand.
  2.  Provide unique offers. On the live shopping stream, you can offer customers a good discount or a promotional code that will be available only to those who are a participant in the broadcast.

The Future of Live Shopping 

man presenting in front of a camera

Live shopping has a really great future, because now people do not need to study a bunch of reviews about a product and look for information before buying – they can see the product from all sides and ask questions online. 

The atmosphere of the stream actually allows you to establish brand communication with a potential client “face to face”. It is important that the viewer has a sense of dialogue with the presenter. A good Amazon Live interface helps with this, the client always has a card with a product in front of his eyes.

Recently, people have become accustomed to the format of live communication: instant messengers, social networks, and live shopping. TikTok, Instagram, Amazon, and Facebook offer such features. As well as dedicated live shopping software solutions that work to create a direct communication channel between brands and customers. An average user spends more than 5 hours a day on the Internet. What do you think people do on the Internet? They are watching the video! A beautiful picture always attracts attention.

The live shopping format allows customers to save time on shopping, but at the same time, to get a better understanding of the products they are looking to buy. And the great part is that with live shopping, you can sell anything from beauty products to consumer electronics or even cars.

Now it has become clear that live broadcasts have a good effect on brands and increase sales in such areas as beauty, fashion, cooking, technology, and others.


In conclusion, we can give you good advice: always remember what you are selling to your viewers. Both the content itself and the quality are important. But the most important asset is the true, authentic connection that is created between the brand and its community.


About the author : streams.live

Live stream shopping is a new and fun way to buy products. It’s like video shopping for the space age.

As customers demand more engaging ways of shopping companies that have a direct-to-consumer strategy have adapted. With Streams.live you can now interact in real time with hundreds and thousands of customers. When they are prepared to shop they can purchase your products or services without leaving the stream.

Livestream Shopping Guide - CTA

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