About the author : Alex Pana

Alex Pana is the Marketing Manager at Oveit, the US-based tech company that developed Streams.live. Prior to joining Oveit, he worked with 2 of the world's leading financial services companies. Over the last 4 years, Alex attended more than 100 live and virtual events, understanding how entertainment and digital payments work together. He is people-oriented and although his role is to share the word about Oveit's solutions, he loves to learn about people's experiences. Be they good or bad. He has a degree in Public Administration. This is where he first learned that small changes can result in big improvements. Having this in mind it was only normal for him to join Oveit.

There is no reason to attract viewers who randomly click through to your site, without completing a purchase or at least recommending your product. This is no different than window shoppers in the city center. To convert traffic into sales and leads, you actually need to convert those “lookers” into “buyers”. If your visitors leave without providing any contact information, the opportunity to nurture them until they are ready to buy doesn’t exist.

Even if a significant part of your marketing efforts is focused on increasing traffic, the end goal is to convert traffic into sales and leads. Therefore, in this article, we’ll show you some great ways to convert traffic into sales and leads using 5 traffic conversion hints. 

1. Leverage Your Unique Selling Point

What makes you different? The main takeaway here is that less is sometimes more. Too much information can overwhelm your visitors, making them leave before they should. A well-defined unique selling point (USP) clearly helps your visitors to differentiate between the variety of alternatives available to them. Many consider it a key part of effective selling, mainly online where consumers have plenty of options to choose from. Communicate your USP accordingly and begin to convert traffic into sales and leads.

Different ways to communicate your USP

Digital Marketing – For a business that has an online presence, such as a store or other digital business, the USP is usually presented as the tagline of a web page or as a bulleted list on a product page.

Social Media – Keeping your audience updated with your latest offers and working with influencers is another way to share a USP with a large audience.

Content Marketing – Educating your website visitors on various topics, while posting different articles on a website can also be a good way to communicate USPs.

2. Create Custom Landing Pages to Segment Your Traffic

If you want to engage your visitors efficiently, avoid sending your traffic to your home page. Instead, create customized landing pages to provide them with personalized information that they truly need. It is a great opportunity to share your message with a specific audience.

Landing pages have a single-focused message, making them a powerful tool when it comes to converting traffic into sales and leads. They are a good fit for both B2B and B2C companies. “There’s no such thing as overdoing it in terms of how many different landing pages you promote. The more landing pages you have, the more opportunities you have to attract leads,” according to KlientBoost.

Here is an example of how we use two different landing pages for the same product. Both increase awareness towards the same product (cashless payments). However, one landing page has as its main target event organizers that are looking to find more about our cashless payment solution, while the other landing page promotes the same cashless payment solution, but this time for amusement parks.  

3. Personalized Calls to Action (CTAs)

The CTAs are meant to drive the action made by a prospect, a lead, or a customer on a website. Put differently, it is an instruction provided by a digital marketer that can be part of an email, a landing page, or a website. Through CTAs, visitors have given the option to perform different actions, such as “schedule a demo”, “learn more”, or in our case, “Start a live channel now”.

A few tips to convert traffic into Sales and Leads with CTAs:

  • Use buttons rather than text-based links

CTAs can take the form of a text-based link or a button. However, the button version makes a better visual impression and according to many, CTA buttons are more likely to increase awareness.

  • Make your CTAs stand out

CTAs shouldn’t match the color of your website. It needs to stand out, so try to use different colors that can raise attention. If you’re color blind, too bad. Make sure to share it with your team and ask for their feedback. Also, the bigger the better. Don’t forget that your CTAs should get you clicks in return. Size those buttons appropriately and make sure that not a single visitor can miss them.

4. Use Live Chat to Convert Traffic into Sales and Leads

Some queries can’t be fixed by FAQs or other support sections from your website. This is where the live chat has a saying. It is a great tool that helps businesses to engage visitors in real-time, while they are browsing a website.

Live chat stats about sales and lead generation

  •       44% of online consumers consider that a question that is answered by a live person is the most important feature a website can offer. Especially while in the middle of an online purchase.
  •       63% of online consumers that used live chat on a website admitted they are more likely to return because of this feature.
  •       38% of them made a purchase because of the chat session itself
  •       62% stated that they are more likely to purchase from that site in the future.

Compared to reactive channels such as email or phone, where customers need to wait longer for a response, live chat provides real-time assistance. This fast response rate has a positive impact on sales and lead generation.

5. Relevant and Fresh Content

Don’t fill out your website with irrelevant content just for the sake of it. Your content should identify and solve problems that are relevant to your potential customers. Try to educate your readers on various topics and not only write to promote your business. Obviously, the included content should be related to your industry, but it can take many turns as long as your visitors can benefit from it.

A good way to assure that your content is relevant would be to identify your visitor’s persona in advance. A common practice to identify a buyer’s person is to put yourself, as a marketer or as a company employee, in your customer’s shoes. If you manage to do that, you’ll certainly come up with relevant and fresh content, helping your business to convert traffic into sales and leads.


Ready to convert that traffic into sales and leads? We really hope these hints will help you get started. To be blunt, if you are just getting started with any of the above mentioned, it might take some time and effort until you see the expected results. However, once your traffic begins to convert into sales and leads, the time invested will surely pay off.

About the author : Alex Pana

Alex Pana is the Marketing Manager at Oveit, the US-based tech company that developed Streams.live. Prior to joining Oveit, he worked with 2 of the world's leading financial services companies. Over the last 4 years, Alex attended more than 100 live and virtual events, understanding how entertainment and digital payments work together. He is people-oriented and although his role is to share the word about Oveit's solutions, he loves to learn about people's experiences. Be they good or bad. He has a degree in Public Administration. This is where he first learned that small changes can result in big improvements. Having this in mind it was only normal for him to join Oveit.

Livestream Shopping Guide - CTA

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